Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Anhui University of Chinese Medicine & Study in ahtcm

Application Qualifications

1. Qualifications for Bachelor’s Degree

(1) Senior high school graduate (fulfilling the minimum high school graduation requirement) or equivalent education.

(2) The applicants need to have a Chinese proficiency certificate of new HSK band 4; if not, they can be enrolled as international students at first, and after passing the HSK band 4, applicants can be registered as regular students and that year’s school report will be taken into account.

2. Qualifications for Master’s Degree

(1) Applicants for Master programs should have a bachelor degree.

(2) The applicants need to have a Chinese proficiency certificate of new HSK band 5; if not, they can be enrolled as international students at first, and after passing the HSK band 5, applicants can be registered as regular students and that year’s school report will be taken into account.

3. Qualifications for Doctor's Degree

(1) Applicants for Doctoral programs should have a Master degree.

(2) The applicants need to have a Chinese proficiency certificate of new HSK band 6; if not, they can be enrolled as international students at first, and after passing the HSK band 6, applicants can be registered as regular students and that year’s school report will be taken into account.

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